Date: February 8th, 2013
Hours: 4

     Our NHS chapter received the opportunity to volunteer at our local SPCA. We went to address the problem of homeless animals and give them company, as well as helping to clean and renovate the shelter and walkways to make it as safe and enjoyable as possible. Many of the animals there do not find homes immediately, so it is always nice to have people visit to give them company and plenty of affection. There was also some logs, fallen tree limbs, and air potatoes that were crowding the path for seniors to walk the dogs. We removed them and then we spray painted roots and rocks that were sticking up along the path neon orange to prevent the senior volunteers walking dogs from falling. 
      Along with volunteering, I also learned so much. For instance, I learned that all of the people working at SPCA centers are all volunteers and in addition, all of the veterinarians are volunteers. This was mind blowing for me because to imagine these volunteers not being paid is just awesome. Unlike the pounds, SPCA does not put the animals down. I thought this was wonderful because I believe that all creatures should have a chance to live, find a home, and not deserve to die. They also house many animals and they participate in the "Walk for Animals" event, where "hundreds of two and four-legged friends walk to raise funds and awareness for SPCA florida. This fundraiser helps SPCA Florida provide care, compassion and hope to more than 6,000 homeless animals entering our doors each year and heals and helps 50,000 patients annually through the Animal Medical Center. Participation in Walk for Animals helps SPCA Florida to eliminate animal suffering and to enhance the human-animal bond by engaging the entire community in the welfare and well-being of animals."   (Credit: Moreover, I became more aware of homeless animals and that sometimes it is a better choice to adopt to prevent them from being lonely. They are all so sweet and I wish I could give them all a home. One day, I plan to adopt a pet from SPCA and give them a home. 
     It was essentially very easy for me to connect with the animals because I have grown up with the company of many animals all of my life. My father is a veterinarian and has his own animal hospital in our city and my mom is his accountant. When I was younger, I would always stay at their business during the course of the day (especially in the summer) and my dad would call me in to check out some adorable puppies and kittens. He also takes care of some exotics, such as a kangaroo, anaconda, and previously has helped a zoo, treating creatures such as Bengal tigers, jaguars, lions, bears, etc. I would always tag along and get a close-up experience with these exotics. 
       On the other hand, I live on a farm. My family owns 7 horses, over 14 dogs, 3 cats, fish, rabbits, a dove, a bearded dragon, chickens, quail, etc. and we previously have owned ducks and geese. Ever since I was born and my poodle, Pierre, was given to me, I have had a very strong connection with animals which makes this trip to SPCA a very enjoyable experience for me. I would love to do it again someday!